Professional Development

Professional Engineering Continuing Education Information

Most states require professional engineers to acquire 8-15 professional development hours (PDH) each year to maintain a Professional Engineers (PE) certification. Connected Plant Conference offers you the opportunity to earn 9 PDH when you attend the full conference program offered during the event.

Each conference session available during the event equals at least 1 hour (and sometimes more!) of professional development hours that count toward your continuing education needs for your PE certification. We provide customized certificates that verify your conference attendance and session participation which may be included in your personnel files to document education and training courses completed.

Keep the certificate as part of your justification toolkit to demonstrate the benefits of attending each year. The certificates provide a documented record of the training and education you have received by attending the conference and the extra hours earned can be part of your hours that hold over for next year. VIEW STATE BY STATE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS.

Gain Buy-In and Approval From Your Supervisor

Do you need supervisor approval to attend the Connected Plant Conference? Let us help you get started! Write out your ideas and submit them to your supervisor with the Conference Agenda. Include the registration cost and any travel expenses you may incur.