The electric power industry and its workforce continue to evolve, but one thing remains constant – the need for knowledgeable and skilled workers. The EPCE Coalition Meeting provides utilities the opportunity to discuss, network and learn relevant ideas to support initiatives that develop, educate and train the energy industry’s workforce. We welcome you to attend the EPCE Coalition meeting.

Energy Providers Coalition for Education (EPCE) is a national industry coalition working collaboratively on workforce development solutions, translating what would be separate individual efforts into a national, industry-wide solution.

Meeting Topics Include:

  • Online education and training resources to support your organization’s workforce development initiatives such as apprenticeship training, professional development, employee career progression, leadership training, and more
  • Interactive, technical learning tools designed to develop a skilled and knowledgeable energy employee
  • Best practices to develop a skilled and prepared workforce that save time, staff resources, and expenses from peers and industry experts
  • Effective practices to support knowledge transfer, retention and training
  • Interactive roundtable discussions to support benchmarking utility training practices
  • Networking opportunities with peers
  • View meeting agenda and additional meeting details

Who Should Attend:

  • Professionals responsible for training, retaining and securing an effective workforce, including all supervisory, management and consulting professionals
  • All energy/utility companies and organizations, including EPCE members

Learn more about EPCE’s Online Solutions for Educating and Training the Energy Workforce

EPCE’s membership consists of IOU’s, national and regional associations representing co-operative and municipal utilities, government agencies, professional associations, IBEW and local unions, representing over 75%+ of the utility industry and over 2,500 EPCE member organizations.

For more information about EPCE, please visit



Monday, October 3

7:00 am - 6:30 pm

Registration Hours: 

  • Monday, October 3rd 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM Registration Open
  • Tuesday, October 4th 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM Registration Open
  • Wednesday October 5th 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM Registration Open
Room: Willow Lake 1

Formed in 2001, the Energy Providers Coalition for Education (EPCE) is a national coalition of utilities, energy organizations and education partners. EPCE is an initiative of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), a national non-profit organization. EPCE provides its members with workforce solutions through its premier online education, built to address the critical employment needs of the evolving utility industry. The EPCE Coalition meeting offers utility professionals the opportunity to learn about online education and training resources that support employer workforce development and training strategies.

MONDAY OCT. 3, 2022 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ROOM: WILLOWLAKE 1 8:00 am - 8:30 am NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Ryan Cheney, Industry Education Solutions Manager Marketing, CAEL 8:30 am - 9:30 am NETWORKING BREAKFAST 9:30 am- 9:40 am WELCOME Angie Lucas, Director, Industry Education Solutions, CAEL 9:40 am - 10:00 am EPCE BUSINESS UPDATE Angie Lucas, Director, Industry Education Solutions, CAEL Ryan Cheney, Industry Education Solutions Manager Marketing, CAEL 10:00 am - 10:30 am BUILDING A WORKFORCE TO POWER THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE FUTURE Jim Auld, Director, External Training Initiatives, NextEra Energy/FPL Kevin Cooper, Indian River State College Electric vehicles are not coming soon, they are here. Join the discussion on developing a highly trained workforce to support industry needs in electric vehicle infrastructure and technology including: ● Installation and maintenance of charging stations ● Technicians page 1 ● Manufacturers ● Software developers ● Engineers 10:30 am - 10:45am NETWORKING BREAK 10:45 am - 11:15 am RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION THROUGH CAREER PATHWAY MAPPING AND SOLUTIONS Kristen Himmerick, Vice President, Solutions, CAEL In this interactive session, participants will learn strategies that support recruiting and retaining employees through career pathway mapping. 11:15 am - 11:30 am CAEL MEMBERSHIP - THE BENEFIT OF LABOR MARKET REPORTS Jeannie McCarron, Senior Director, Member Engagement, CAEL 11:30 am - 12:15 pm REIMAGINING LEARNING THAT ENGAGES This discussion centers around the training challenges and opportunities to use new methods, systems, and tools, individually and across the industry to improve employee development and retention. Deanna Myers, Training Program Manager, Sargent & Lundy Kim Otereo, Excelsior College Wes Braun, Department Chair, Bismarck State College Holly Stanton, Sr. Manager, Strategic Workforce Planning, Xcel Energy 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm NETWORKING LUNCH 1:00 pm - 1:30pm MARKET CHALLENGES, TRENDS, NEW INITIATIVES, EPCE BEST PRACTICES - OPEN DISCUSSION Facilitator: Angie Lucas, Director, Industry Education Solutions, CAEL ● SUPPORTING APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMS Mark Palacio, XCEL Energy page 2 1:30 pm- 2:00 pm 'COGNITIVE SCIENCE' METHODS FOR TRAINING GRID OPERATORS Bob Porkny, Principal Scientists, Innosys Doug Heckman, Senior Director of Partnership Development, CAEL 2:15 pm- 2:30 pm USING EPCE TOOLS TO ENHANCE EMPLOYEE RECRUITING AND RETENTION Ryan Cheney, Industry Education Solutions Marketing, CAEL Gary Pfann, PE, Director, Executive and Staff Education National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) 2:30 pm- 3:00 pm LEGISLATIVE ENERGY UPDATE Aaron Ray, Associate Director, Environment, Energy, and Transportation National Conference of State Legislatures NCSL State legislatures continue to play a leading role in shaping state energy policy. In recent years states have pursued policies to strengthen clean energy targets, support state energy production, ensure reliability and affordability, and manage the transition to an electrified transportation system. This presentation will highlight recent trends in state energy legislation from across the country. 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm NUPT CURRICULUM COUNCIL MEETING 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ELPW CURRICULUM COUNCIL MEETING 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EXPERIENCE POWER NETWORKING RECEPTION - EXHIBIT HALL 7:00 pm EPCE DINNER - OLD HICKORY STEAKHOUSE Tuesday Oct. 4, 2022 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ROOM: WILLOWLAKE 1 10:00 am - 6:30 pm EXHIBIT HALL OPEN - EPCE BOOTH # BREAKFAST ON YOUR OWN 8:00 am - 9:30 am THE WAY FORWARD - EXPERIENCE POWER OPENING KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS page 3 10:00 am - 11:00 am EPCE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE MEETING 11:00 am– 6:30 pm VISIT EPCE IN THE EXHIBIT HALL 11:00 am - 1:00 pm EXPERIENCE POWER NETWORKING AND LUNCH - EXHIBIT HALL 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm OPTIONS FOR ADVANCING YOUR CAREER IN POWER GENERATION Moderator: Angie Lucas, Director, Industry Education Solutions, CAEL Panelists: Jana Lesh, Controls Mechanic, LAWPD Kimberly Otero, Director, Partnership Development, Excelsior University Wes Braun, Department Chair, Bismarck State College Deanna Myers, Training Program Manager, Sargent & Lundy Holly Stanton, Sr. Manager, Strategic Workforce Planning, Xcel Energy It's not just about the aging workforce, there are numerous game changers impacting he energy industry that create an important need to develop employees' skills to transition into key positions when you add internal , internal (mergers, acquisitions, new technologies) and external (grid modernizations and regulatory changes). In this session, we will discuss a few main strategies, including developing non - traditional career paths, leveraging education and training partnerships to build the skills of transitioning workers and how blended learning models can support internal training initiatives. Some examples include: • Transitioning and merging technical skills to develop a multi-skilled technician • Transitioning a military background to leverage veterans' technical skills • Transitioning incumbent workers to replace the highly-skilled, aging workforce • Incumbent continuous training models to develop various types of skilled, technical workers 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EXPERIENCE POWER NETWORKING BREAK- EXHIBIT HALL page 4 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm EXPERIENCE POWER SESSION ATTRACTING AND RETAINING A DIVERSE WORKFORCE How can the energy sector (and feeder institutions) develop, attract, and support a diverse workforce? How can we welcome younger people into the industry to help supplement those workers we lost to the “Great Resignation”? This session will focus on creating cultural change in energy recruitment and in the energy industry itself. Experts from across industries will provide best practices in recruiting and supporting people of color, women, and younger workers. Topics include ● Using traditional and non-traditional methods to find and assess talent ● Marketing the company's value, appealing to multi-generations Moderator: Kristen Himmerick, Vice President, Solutions, CAEL Panelists: Caley Van Cleave, Young Professionals in Energy, Colorado Chapter Monique Dyers, President, AABE, Denver Area Chapter Kari Shafenberg, Director, Initiatives, CAEL Prasanth Thupili, SVP, Power Generation Services Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas, Inc. 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EXPERIENCE POWER NETWORKING RECEPTION - EXHIBIT HALL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2022 8:20 am - 9:00 am BITCOIN'S VITAL ROLE IN THE ENERGY TRANSITION - KEYNOTE This keynote presentation is geared to inform and excite the power generation industry at the prospects and opportunities that bitcoin mining can provide for the energy industry. Our speaker, Andrew Webber, brings to bear over a decade of financial expertise and experience, having worked at firms such as Goldman Sachs, Surveyor Capital, and Fortress Investment Group. Andrew and his company, Digital Power Optimization (DPO), are working to inform the energy sector of the page 5 variety of ways through which it can directly utilize bitcoin mining as a powerful tool by taking advantage of the direct link between power generation and Bitcoin. Join us as we explore what exactly cryptocurrency mining is, how it works, and the many use cases for bitcoin mining as an energy management tool. 10:00 am– 6:30 pm VISIT EPCE IN THE EXHIBIT HALL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 9:00 am - 11:30 am TOUR NREL’S ENERGY SYSTEMS INTEGRATION AND RESEARCH SUPPORT FACILITIES Attendees can sign-up for an opportunity to tour facilities at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden as part of the conference. NREL advances the science and engineering of energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, and renewable power technologies, and supports research and development to help integrate and optimize energy systems. The tour consists of two parts: Part one is a tour of the NREL Research Support Facility (RSF), where you will gain insight into how the best energy efficiency and environmental performance technologies and practices can be used in a large-scale commercial office building. You’ll see: ● How to Design Buildings to be Net Zero ● Zero Energy Boundary ● Energy Use ● Water Conservation ● Zero Energy Dashboard ● Evolution of Solar (walk through) Part two is a tour of the NREL Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF), which accelerates the efficient transition to future energy systems that are secure, resilient, reliable, affordable, and clean. At this facility NREL’s team researches and designs: ● Renewable Energy-to-Grid Integration ● Energy Storage ● Energy Security ● Energy Resilience page 6 ● Advanced Mobility ● Grid-Interactive Buildings ● Data Integration and Analysis ● Hydrogen and Fuel Systems ● VR Cave **This tour option is limited to 40 individuals. The tour will last about four (4) hours in total, which includes travel time to and from the Gaylord Rockies resort to NREL’s campus, along with security checks. Tour attendance is subject to prior approval.

Room: Red Rock 10&11
Joe VonDerHaar
Plant Manager, Spurlock
East Kentucky Power Cooperative Inc. [EKPC]
Dennis Buchanan
Plant Director, Harrington Station
Xcel Energy
Brian Heinbaugh
Plant Manager - Wildcat Point Generation Facility
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Michael Burroughs
Plant Manager - Plant Scherer
Southern Company
Michael Winegeart
Production Superintendent
Lubbock Power & Light
Jeffrey Fassett
IEM Energy Consultants
Kate Bowling
Site Manager, CCT Gas Operations
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

The Plant Management Institute prides itself on being an open forum for free-flowing conversations about the challenges facing today’s plant manager/resource manager. With the power industry needing to address numerous changes to operations, some of the topics we normally cover have taken on new meanings or directions.

Now more than ever, it’s time to reconnect with your peers to share stories of the challenges, and your solutions to these challenges that have been tried and tested. 

If you are tasked with running a power plant, responsible for the resources that supply power, or are in a supervisory role, this program is geared for you. We will open the event with a top-of-mind, roundtable discussion, and as topics become evident, we will consider those that are most important to a plant’s successful operation. We will then look as a group at those challenges, discussing those that are critical for operations, and also those that may not be critical, but also can’t be ignored.  

Join us for this full-day forum of open discussion, where we will share lessons learned and concerns for addressing issues arising today.

Add on Plant Management Institute during registration to get your pass to this important event today. Open to End Users only.

Room: Red Rock 6-7 DEC Monday
Jim Auld
Director of External Training Initiatives
Florida Power & Light Company
Ann Moore
Global Industry Principal
OSIsoft (now part of AVEVA)
Pam Frank
EV charging is evolving, with alternative methods joining traditional infrastructure and creating both new challenges and opportunities for charging station manufacturers, and utilities. Manufacturers are incorporating new battery technologies, while utilities are creating business units devoted to EV owners. It's all against the backdrop of how power demand from EV charging is impacting the grid, as utilities try to forecast future loads across their territories.
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Networking Breaks: 

  • Monday, October 3rd 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Tuesday, October 4th 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Wednesday October 5th 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
  • Wednesday October 5th 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Room: Red Rock 6-7 DEC Monday
Gerry Hamilton
Director Facilities Energy Management
Stanford University
Dr. Zhihua Qu
Pegasus Professor and Director of RISES Center
University of Central Florida
Adam Zellner
Greener By Design
Adam Nogiec
Vice President of Engineering
Unison Energy

College campuses, business sites, and other complexes have become proving grounds for innovative distributed energy technologies. Universities are setting sustainability goals and looking to reduce their carbon footprints by producing their own power. Local governments are looking at microgrids to ensure public safety in emergencies, upgrade existing infrastructure, and help reach their own climate goals. Our host resort, the Gaylord Rockies, has a combined heat and power set-up that provides more than 90% of the site’s electrical and thermal needs. We’ll hear from those who planned, designed, and are implementing distributing energy resources to power facilities and provide models for how institutions can realize cost savings, achieve climate goals, and ensure a supply of reliable and resilient power for their locations.

Sponsored by:

Join us Monday evening for a networking happy hour where you can enjoy passed light bites, a taco bar, wine, beer, and margaritas! Connect with friends old and new as we gather to kick off the 2022 POWER Events.

Tuesday, October 4

7:00 am - 6:00 pm

Registration Hours: 

  • Monday, October 3rd 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM Registration Open
  • Tuesday, October 4th 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM Registration Open
  • Wednesday October 5th 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM Registration Open
Room: Colorado B Keynote
Sponsored by:
Thomas Smith
Power Solutions Director of Energy Development.
Caterpillar Electric Power
Duane Highley, P.E.
President & CEO
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.
Robert Chapman
Senior Vice President Energy Delivery and Customer Solutions
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
Room: Colorado B Keynote
Robert Chapman
Senior Vice President Energy Delivery and Customer Solutions
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
Thomas Smith
Power Solutions Director of Energy Development.
Caterpillar Electric Power
William McEvoy
Global Industry Principal
Thomas Pyle
Institute for Energy Research
There are varying opinions on what the future energy landscape should look like. More solar and wind power is coming online almost daily, and it seems reliable, well-operating coal plants are being retired regularly. Should the industry be heading in this direction and at this speed? Come hear both sides of the question argued in this debate and decide for yourself.
11:00 am - 6:30 pm

Exhibit Hours:

  • Tuesday, October 4th 11:00 AM – 6:30 PM
  • Wednesday October 5th 10:00 AM – 6:30 PM
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Room: Colorado Ballroom A

Networking & Lunch:

  • Tuesday, October 4th 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Wednesday October 5th 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Room: Red Rock 5 Technology
Samuel R. Barnes, P.E.
Chief Operating Officer
Commonwealth Associates, Inc.
Joelle Abi Nahed
Principal Engineer
Electric Power Engineers, Inc.
Sercan Teleke
Principal Engineer
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.
Dan Patry
U.S. Policy Innovation Manager
Hassan Obeid
Global Technical Advisor - Systems and Controls
Cummins Power Generation
This session touches on the effects that integrating renewables and IBRs have on transmission and distribution systems. These effects begin from the time a project's Interconnection process begins through the design of STATCOMS that counter volt/var issues that are introduced by DERs.
Room: Red Rock 4 Future
Alex Krowka
United States Energy Association (USEA)
Mike Moore
United States Energy Association (USEA)
Matt Fry
Senior Policy Manager, Carbon Management
Great Plains Institute
Mike Nasi
Jackson Walker L.L.P.
Aaron Ray
Energy, Environment and Transportation Group Director
National Conference of State Legislatures
Steven Emmen
Policy Advisor
Western Governors' Association
Jeffrey Cook
Energy Analyst/PhD
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The shifting energy landscape dictates a rapid response from utilities, often with minimal direction. This session will discuss current state and federal policies that attempt to provide direction.
Room: Red Rock 6-7 HydrogeNext
Clint M. Medlock
Project Manager - Research and Development
Southern Company Services
Ben Carmichael
Business Development Manager, Advanced Energy Systems Research and Development
Southern Company
Benton Arnett
Director of Markets and Policy
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
Jeff Chase
Clean Power Generation Lead, Research, Development, & Demonstration (RD&D)
SoCal Gas Company
Scott Conway
Gas Electric Power Strategy Manager
Caterpillar Electric Power
Patrick S. Daou
Principal Energy Consultant
Sargent & Lundy
Hari Gopalakrishnan, Ph.D.
Lead Consultant, Market Intel and Strategy
Mitsubishi Power
The prospects for hydrogen have been hot and cold for decades, but the future looks bright today and is expected to stay that way as the world focuses on efforts to decarbonize. Companies are investing tons of money on research and development to make green hydrogen a cost-competitive option, and a tool for storing and better utilizing renewable energy. Hydrogen is considered by many to be the key to meeting net zero emission goals. In this session, panelists will discuss how a hydrogen economy could work, and how demand from the power generation and chemical process industries could affect the market. Panelists will identify where and how uses, demands, and markets for hydrogen are likely to evolve. The panelists will also explain how regional hubs could be beneficial, and how hydrogen could be important to transportation and other industries.
Room: Red Rock 3 O&M
Brian Heinbaugh
Plant Manager - Wildcat Point Generation Facility
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Rizwan James
Dominion Energy/ Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Michael Straubmuller
Vice President of Operations at Cogentrix
"Discussion on benefits, challenges, and solutions that facilities are seeing with operating the new Larger Frame Advanced Gas Turbines GE & Siemens H and Mitsubishi G & J. This session will address the following topics; HRSG damage, emissions (NOx/CO), damage to gas turbines themselves, vibrations and issues getting parts especially higher-grade materials for bolts, nuts, seals, etc. such as Inconel 718"
Room: Red Rock 8 Workforce
Jana Lesh
Controls Mechanic
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Holly Stanton
Manager, Strategic Workforce Planning
Xcel Energy
Angie Lucas
EPCE - Energy Providers Coalition for Education
Vicky Kruslemsky
Chief Talent Officer
Commonwealth Associates, Inc.
It's not just about the aging workforce, when you add internal (mergers, acquisitions, new technologies) and external (grid modernizations and regulatory changes) game changers impacting the energy industry it creates an important need to develop employees' skills to transition into key positions. It's key for energy companies to stay in front of the industry's evolving changes and create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. Learn about specific employer initiatives that are developing their own workforce, managing skills gap, developing skill sets and building multiple skills to transition employees into key job positions to address more complex systems. We will discuss a few main strategies, including developing untraditional career paths, leveraging education and training partnerships to build the skills of transitioning workers and how blended learning models can support internal training initiatives. Some examples include: Recruiting Talent: • Using traditional and non-traditional methods to find and assess talent • Marketing the company's value, appealing to multi-generations • Workplace models outside the box Creating Skilled Talent from within: • Transitioning and merging technical skills to develop a multi-skilled technician • Transitioning a military background to leverage veterans' technical skills • Transitioning incumbent workers to replace the highly-skilled, aging workforce • Incumbent continuous training models to develop various types of skilled, technical workers:
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Wayne Johnson
Manager, Key Segment Management, Education
Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions
Michael Blomquist
COO and co-Founder
Open Energy Group
The first step to building a successful distributed energy project is lining up financial support. Traditional methods may not work for everyone, but there are many alternatives available to get a project from the drawing board to the operational phase. This session will look at those alternatives, including private/public partnerships, and other innovative contractual structures--including bringing a real estate investment mind-set to energy transactions.
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Chadwick Johnson
Key Segment Manager - Manufacturing
Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions
More and more, organizations find themselves needing to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. At the same time, extreme weather means organizations need to harden their operations against outages. It's a balancing act with three competing drivers: sustainability, affordability and resiliency. How exactly are manufacturers supposed to drive fast and furious carbon reduction goals while still reducing costs and ensuring more reliable backup power for their operations? Can resiliency and sustainability help them gain a competitive advantage when the supply chain is disrupted? What are the steps they need to take to achieve the coveted energy trifecta? We'll look at customer case studies such as Bausch + Lomb and discuss how new funding options and incentives make now the best time to install distributed generation. Attendees will learn: • How sustainability and resiliency can help them adapt in these times of disruption • How to push through challenges to find the right energy balance • Which financing mechanisms and sustainable and resiliency solutions are the most promising for organizations • Why collaboration across industries can better help organizations achieve their own energy trifecta"
Thomas M. Poteet III, P.E.
VP of Corporate Development
Mesa Solutions
Allan Schurr
Chief Commercial Officer
Enchanted Rock, LLC
Organizations are increasingly feeling the pressure to deliver on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) promises. At the same time, extreme weather means organizations need to harden their operations against power outages. This leads to a careful balancing act with three competing drivers: sustainability, affordability, and resiliency. • How are businesses supposed to drive fast and furious carbon reduction goals while still reducing costs and ensuring more reliable backup power for their operations? • Can resiliency and sustainability help them gain a competitive advantage when the supply chain is disrupted? • What are the steps they need to take to achieve the coveted energy trifecta? Get the answers in this session. Plus, we'll discuss how new funding options and incentives make now the best time to install distributed generation. Developed for forward-thinking leaders responsible for managing power outages, attendees will learn: • How sustainability and resiliency can help them adapt in these times of disruption • How to push through challenges to find the right energy balance • Which financing mechanisms and sustainable and resiliency solutions are the most promising • Why collaboration across industries can better help organizations achieve their own energy trifecta
Roundtable Moderator
Mark Adams
Business Development Manager
Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions
Join a small group of your peers to discuss how businesses, universities and municipalities are supposed to drive fast and furious carbon reduction goals while still reducing costs and ensuring more reliable backup power for their operations. Can resiliency and sustainability help you gain a competitive advantage when the supply chain is disrupted? What are the steps you need to take to achieve the coveted energy trifecta of sustainability, resiliency and affordability?

Join us in the Exhibit Hall, DEC Pavilion, and HydrogeNext Pavilion for an hour networking break to mix and mingle with attendees and exhibitors as we welcome you to Colorado with samplings of local nibbles!

Room: Red Rock 5 Technology
Samuel R. Barnes, P.E.
Chief Operating Officer
Commonwealth Associates, Inc.
John Shubin
Director of Sales for North Americas
Advanced RF Technologies, Inc. (ADRF)
John Todd
Sr. Business Consultant
Akhil Batheja
Director, Hydrogen Business
Technology can be used to increase efficiency and ensure higher levels of quality and add protection from threats. This session will range from drones and visualization to employing private networks.
Room: Red Rock 4 Future
Michael Ruszkowski
Senior Program Manager
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
Bobby Noble
Gas Turbine Programs Manager
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
John Bistline, Ph.D
Program Manager - Energy Systems & Climate Analysis Group
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
Tracey Leslie
Program Manager - Net Zero Industrial Clusters
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
Many utilities are touting a net zero emissions strategy, but many want to know if this is achievable and is practical. This session will present the pragmatic thoughts of experts from various aspects of the energy industry.
Room: Red Rock 6-7 HydrogeNext
Dr. Siari Sosa
Low Carbon Resources RD&D Program Leader
SoCal Gas Company
Brad Bradshaw
Velerity LLC
Akhil Batheja
Director, Hydrogen Business
Bloom Energy
Marc Prasse
Mechanical Engineer
Sargent & Lundy
Ian Willetts, PhD
VP Simulation Learning
This session is comprised of a panel of experts, who will give brief presentations updating attendees on recent technology enhancements and providing examples from successful projects they've worked on. A full panel discussion will follow, which will dive deeper into lessons learned in the field and goals for the future. Panelists will touch on emerging hydrogen production methods and cost considerations, as well as answering questions from the audience.
Room: Red Rock 3 O&M
Dennis Buchanan
Plant Director, Harrington Station
Xcel Energy
Michael Burroughs
Plant Manager - Plant Scherer
Southern Company
Jeffrey Haskins
Xcel Energy Services Inc.
Mark Mechenbier
Operational Support Manager
Xcel Energy
Tommy Waggoner
Operation Services Manager
Southern Company
Major weather events often affect electric reliability which can result in loss of lives, destruction of property, and strains on finances. Weather events are a constant and will continue to challenge the industry. This session examines the financial impacts of weather events and what utilities can or must do to mitigate risk.
Room: Red Rock 8 Workforce
Kristen Himmerick
Vice President, Solutions
CAEL - Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
Kari Schafenburg
Director, Initiatives
CAEL - Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
Monique Dyers
President & Chief Executive Officer
Ensight Energy Consulting
Prasanth Thupili
SVP, Power Generation Services
Mitsubishi Power
Caley VanCleave
Managing Partner at Iridium Consulting Company
Young Professionals in Energy, Colorado Chapter
How can the energy sector (and feeder institutions) develop, attract, and support a diverse workforce? How can we welcome younger people into the industry to help supplement those workers we lost to the "Great Resignation"? This session will focus on creating cultural change in energy recruitment and in the energy industry itself. Experts from across industries will provide best practices in recruiting and supporting people of color, women, and younger workers. Topics include -- Using traditional and non-traditional methods to find and assess talent -- Marketing the company's value, appealing to multi-generations
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Sponsored by:
Thomas M. Poteet III, P.E.
VP of Corporate Development
Mesa Solutions
Sequoya Cross
SimpliPhi Power
Jeremy Toews
Kent McCord
Kinsley Energy Systems
Jaimie Hamilton-Antonson
Technical Advisor - Energy Management Solutions
Cummins Inc.
Today's microgrids comprise a wide range of technologies, offering flexibility, reliability, and resilience. The Energy Security and Resilience: Microgrid Case Studies session at this year's Distributed Energy Conference will provide details about the design, construction, and operation of installations in Puerto Rico, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and the Arctic that support agriculture, commercial and industrial facilities, and an island's power grid, including a project built to withstand a hurricane.
Room: Colorado Ballroom A

October marks 140 years that POWER magazine has served the power generation industry, and we’re ready to celebrate! Join us for the party to enjoy gourmet mac & cheese, a selection of bao bun sandwiches, games, music, and fun while sipping signature drinks crafted especially for the occasion: the Marmaduke, the Edison, the Tesla, and the Old-Fashioned.

Sponsored by:

POWER magazine has partnered with the Young Professionals in Energy - Denver Chapter to host their October Gathering at this years event, join us in welcoming the young energy professionals Denver has to offer.

Wednesday, October 5

7:00 am - 6:00 pm

Registration Hours: 

  • Monday, October 3rd 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM Registration Open
  • Tuesday, October 4th 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM Registration Open
  • Wednesday October 5th 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM Registration Open
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Room: Red Rock 10&11
Sponsored by:
this breakfast is sponsored by Caterpillar and is open to all end users generating .5 megawatts of power or more.
Room: Colorado B Keynote
Andrew Webber
Founder & CEO
Digital Power Optimization

·  This keynote presentation is geared to inform and excite the power generation industry at the prospects and opportunities that bitcoin mining can provide for the energy industry. Our speaker, Andrew Webber, brings to bear over a decade of financial expertise and experience, having worked at firms such as Goldman Sachs, Surveyor Capital, and Fortress Investment Group. Andrew and his company, Digital Power Optimization (DPO), are working to inform the energy sector of the variety of ways through which it can directly utilize bitcoin mining as a powerful tool by taking advantage of the direct link between power generation and Bitcoin.

Join us as we explore what exactly cryptocurrency mining is, how it works, and the many use cases for bitcoin mining as an energy management tool.

Room: Red Rock 5 Technology
Mr. James Goosby
Director, Office of Business Technology Planning and Strategic Initiatives
Southern Company
Cheri Caddy (Invited)
Senior Advisor for Cybersecurity
Frank J. Cilluffo
Director, McCrary Institute for Cyber & Critical Infrastructure Security
Auburn University
PE Jonathan Tubb
Director Industrial Cyber Security North America
Siemens Energy
Larry O'Brien
Vice President, Research
ARC Advisory Group
This session will focus on current issues surrounding operational cybersecurity, including how cyber challenges have increased in recent years and what the potential impacts are to power companies and plant operators. We will also discuss practical ways in which utilities and suppliers can partner together, along with government agencies, to prevent cyberattacks from hitting the industry or mitigate the effects of those that do.
Room: Red Rock 4 Future
Mason Emnett
Senior Vice President, Public Policy
Brian George
Global Energy Market Development and Policy, US Federal Lead
Bruce Phillips
NorthBridge Group
To achieve the ultimate goal of decarbonizing the power sector, we will need enough clean energy to meet total consumption in every hour of every day. However, the reality is that many of the RECs being used to measure progress toward decarbonization goals represent energy produced months earlier by a solar or wind farm 1,000 miles away from the customer. Unless the clean energy you buy covers 100 percent of your energy use at the time and place you use it, research shows that you're likely still getting a large portion of your energy from polluting sources. For example, a Princeton study found that a typical customer in the PJM region using RECs to match 100% of demand on an annual basis would only be using 62 percent clean energy when evaluated on an hourly matching basis. In the proposed session, industry experts will do a deep dive into how clean energy policies can evolve to reflect the matching of clean energy production to consumption at the point in time and location that the energy is being used. Panelists would discuss the benefits of a 24/7 approach to clean energy procurement and the steps that policymakers and companies are taking to implement 24/7 strategies. Panelists also would review the transactional, technical and compliance enhancements necessary to match energy production and consumption on an hourly basis and support corporate sustainability goals.
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Room: Red Rock 6-7 HydrogeNext
Matt Gregori
Customer Solutions RD&D
SoCal Gas Company
Joseph Bushinsky
Senior Director Hydrogen Infrastructure
Mitsubishi Power
Joe Grochmal
Claire Behar
Chief Commercial Officer
Hy Stor Energy
This session will discuss issues associated with storage and sequestration topics. Topics will include technical, regulatory, monetary, logistics and geographical issues that arise in designing and selecting these facilities.
Room: Red Rock 3 O&M
Jeffrey Fassett
IEM Energy Consultants
Robert Pascarella
James Fleming
Manager GENCO Operations
Alliant Energy
Mr. Rob M. Shepard
Vice President
IEM Energy Consultants
As utility staffs become leaner and leaner, attrition and retirement have taken there toll, how much outsourcing for outage management do we do? There are positives and negatives to both sides of this discussion. Come here lessons learned from utilities as well as service providers.
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Allan Schurr
Chief Commercial Officer
Enchanted Rock, LLC
Judson Tillinghast
Product Development & Strategy, Customer to Grid Solutions
Arizona Public Service Company [APS]
A more dynamic and flexible grid is needed to meet the needs of the 21st century. Distributed energy resource (DER) systems are accelerating this grid modernization. Utilities like Arizona Public Service (APS) are utilizing DERs to their advantage. Now, APS is evolving its DER program to be even more valuable in the future. How will the next phase of DER programs increase value for utilities and their customers? How can utilities be a part of C&I customer's resiliency programs from the start? What are the steps you need to take to offer your own resiliency program? In this panel session, Enchanted Rock's Allan Schurr and Arizona Public Service's Judson Tillinghast will share insights gleaned from APS' resiliency program and explore the benefits of DERs to utilities, their customers, and their communities.
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Sponsored by:
J.T. Thompson
Vice President Enterprise Accounts
Generac Grid Services

Utility grids are undergoing two-way transformation, with top-down systems driving change through markets, and technology innovation and bottom-up buildouts of customer distributed energy resource (DER) ecosystems leveraging the grid in new ways. However, when making program planning decisions, today's utility software systems lack visibility into half of this equation: a blind spot exists regarding available capacity behind-the-meter (BTM).


Generac has identified more than 13 GW of distributed energy resource (DER) capacity sitting behind the meters of U.S. utility customers, and the company will share visibility on how the flexible capacity available for dispatch is paramount when designing successful utility programs. Generac experts will take you beyond understanding capacity sums and how utilities must be aware of DERs' locational information, without giving away customers' personal information.

 Come and see how geographic visualizations of DERs not only let utilities plan strategic load management programs, they also share where excess generation from storage and generators may be able to provide distribution system support at the substation or feeder level.

10:00 am - 6:30 pm

Exhibit Hours:

  • Tuesday, October 4th 11:00 AM – 6:30 PM
  • Wednesday October 5th 10:00 AM – 6:30 PM
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Sponsored by:

Take a few minutes to stretch your legs and continue the conversation at display D9 right outside the doors! Enjoy a treat of chocolate + caramel kettle corn, parmesan + truffle popcorn, chocolate covered pretzel rods, sun chips, house made rice crispy treats, and Starbucks cold brew coffee, courtesy of Generac Grid Services.

Room: Red Rock 5 Technology
Brian Heinbaugh
Plant Manager - Wildcat Point Generation Facility
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Carver Powers
Security Associate
Utility Services, Inc.
Dan Doyle
ICE Technician
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Tom Logan
Product Line Manager, Intelligent Solutions
Mitsubishi Power Americas
Learn what power plants are doing to protect their control systems. This session will provide best management practices in cyber and physical security at power plants.
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Room: Red Rock 4 Future
Mike Moore
United States Energy Association (USEA)
Ravi Mundhe
Energy Co-Innovation & Strategic Alliances
Microsoft Corporation
John Helme
Senior Security Analyst
Utility Services, Inc.
Andrew Webber
Founder & CEO
Digital Power Optimization
Ifran Ali
Managing Member
Life in the 21st century is increasingly becoming electrified, digitized and cloud based. Exponential growth in electric vehicles, crypto currencies and future living in the metaverse foretells a coming tsunami in demand. What doe this tsunami consist of and how big can we expect it to be?
Room: Red Rock 6-7 HydrogeNext
Christine King
Director of GAIN
Idaho National Laboratory
Rich Gottwald
President & CEO
Compressed Gas Association
Erin West
Environmental Permitting Lead
Lisa Walker
Environmental Project Manager
Black & Veatch
Jason Remer
Lead Researcher and Industry Liaison
Idaho National Laboratory
Moving to a hydrogen economy means that hydrogen will be produced and stored at many locations. This session will look at various production and storage locations and explore the critical safety and regulatory issues and requirements involved.
Room: Red Rock 3 O&M
Nik Kutz
Training Supervisor
Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)
Larry Lesh
Generating Station Operating Supervisor
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Luis Cordova
Plant Manager
Austin Energy
Prasanth Thupili
SVP, Power Generation Services
Mitsubishi Power
Outage issues related to supply chain shortages as well as the shortage of personnel. The new age of project management and reacting to current immediate impacts, managing a more compact outage to meet current resource demands.
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Darrell Proctor
Senior Associate Editor
POWER magazine
Reg Rudolph
Chief Executive Officer
San Isabel Electric Association, Inc. [SIEA]
Lance Haman
Resiliency Project Manager
Georgia Power
Robert Schueffner
Microgrid and Renewables Commercial Manager
Caterpillar Electric Power
Distributed power generation can provide many benefits, and utilities and other power generators are discovering the many ways they can incorporate and utilize distributed energy resources (DERs) to support their operations. The use of DERs is growing as groups work to provide more reliable and resilient electricity. Representatives from top U.S. power providers will discuss how their companies are embracing distributed energy as part of their business.
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Christian Mueller
Sr. Sales Manager
INNIO Jenbacher
On the path to net zero, highly efficient CHP systems can contribute to reducing the carbon footprint in distributed energy systems. This presentation will provide an overview on different options to use hydrogen fuels in CHP systems while maintaining the flexibility and reliability of dispatchable gas engine-generators. Advances in engine technology and fuel flexibility will be showcased, including the use of 100% H2. Global case studies will be presented, highlighting operational power generation projects and the best practices for utilizing hydrogen in gas engines.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Room: Colorado Ballroom A

Networking & Lunch:

  • Tuesday, October 4th 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Wednesday October 5th 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Room: Red Rock 5 Technology
Dennis Buchanan
Plant Director, Harrington Station
Xcel Energy
Larry Lesh
Generating Station Operating Supervisor
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
David Williams
Fleet Engineering Manager-Controls
Xcel Energy
Mr. James Goosby
Director, Office of Business Technology Planning and Strategic Initiatives
Southern Company
Cybersecurity at generating stations requires expertise in both information technology (IT) and operations technology (OT). This session explores what defines effective cybersecurity and what is required to implement and maintain the system including integration of operational controls. Discussing the opportunities of working together to secure information without comprising system and data integrity.
Room: Red Rock 3 O&M
Jana Lesh
Controls Mechanic
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Jefferson Peters
Power Industry Leader - Western USA
With a strong desire to protect the local waterways and be good stewards of the environment, a large western utility went above and beyond all regulatory requirements and took a proactive approach to eliminate phosphorous from certain plant operations. By utilizing a novel technology developed by SUEZ, call E.C.O. Film, it is estimated that the plant will eliminate almost three (3) tons of phosphorous from its discharge stream annually.
Room: Red Rock 6-7 HydrogeNext
Mark Barry
Program Manager
Long Ridge Energy
Diane Fischer
Director, Generation Services
Kiewit Engineering Group, Inc.
Jeffrey Goldmeer
Emergent Technologies Director - Decarbonization
GE Power
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Benoit White
VP Business Development
Urban Electric Power
Dan Lambert
Senior Product Manager
Zinc Five
Ryan Brown
Co-Founder & CEO
Salient Energy
Get ready for a robust panel discussion of technologies for battery energy storage that have reached the commercial stage. Think lithium-ion is the only option? Better think again. Experts, including battery manufacturers, will provide information about a host of up-and-coming battery types that are shaking up the stationary energy storage sector, with insight into which technology works best in a particular situation.
Room: Red Rock 3 O&M
Mike Harbison
M E H & Associates, LLC
John Todd
Sr. Business Consultant
Mr Howard Chesneau
Fuel Quality Services Inc
Daniel Goulet
President, North America
Mobideo Technologies
"This session will provide a number of insights into how to do a better job in various scenarios. It will help you in planning your preventative maintenance tasks. It will help you in managing your fuel energy assets to ensure a reliable tomorrow. It will help you by showing you the importance of unlocking data to improve outages. It will help you deal with your flue gas oxidation with your gas turbines.
Room: Red Rock 6-7 HydrogeNext
Adam King
Business Development Manager HYDROTEC Fuel Cells
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Sponsored by:
Jon Rodriguez
Energy Business Director - Engine Power Plants
Wartsila North America, Inc.
Our energy landscape is rapidly changing, particularly in the electric power sector. Renewable energy adoption is increasing at a rapid rate, and around the U.S. even more ambitious 100% renewable energy targets are being set by companies, states, utilities, and regulators. The exact recipe is not defined on how to technically reach these targets. In the midst of the progress toward decarbonizing our energy systems, utility stakeholders face the challenge of making long-term decisions about technology investments, continuing to meet demand generation, retiring coal, nuclear, and gas inflexible baseload plants, and dealing with the resultant reliability concerns created by large scale intermittent renewable energy resources in the system--all in the face of constantly shifting energy markets, regulations, and technology developments. This session will provide utility decision-makers with how Wärtsilä solutions can help address these challenges. Jon Rodriguez, Energy Business Director at Wärtsilä, will focus on two applications for Wärtsilä solutions along with real-world examples. The applications discussed will include balancing renewables with engine power plants, as well as with battery energy storage systems.
Room: Red Rock 6-7 HydrogeNext
Bobby Noble
Gas Turbine Programs Manager
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
L. Eric Johnson
Plant Manager Plant McDonough Combined Cycle
Southern Company
Jeff Wilson
Fleet Modernization R&D Manager
Southern Company
Ben Thomas
Product Line Manager
Mitsubishi Power
  • The project demonstrates retrofitting advanced-class gas turbines to operate on a hydrogen fuel blend.
  • Georgia Power has already reduced carbon emissions by more than 60%, this new project showcases potential for further reductions using existing infrastructure.
  • Dry low NOx hydrogen blending on the M501G gas turbine was executed at the designed 100% natural gas firing temperature, within emissions compliance and without impact to maintenance intervals.
  • Tests included blending 20% hydrogen — an industry first for an advanced-class gas turbine — resulting in an approximately 7% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Sponsored by:
Thomas M. Poteet III, P.E.
VP of Corporate Development
Mesa Solutions
H. Douglas Sansom
Director, Origination
Join us to discuss how decentralized power can work for the grid and not against it - strengthening our nation's infrastructure with utility demand response programs and backup microgrids.
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Sponsored by:

Roam the exhibit hall making new connections, munching on pretzel bites, Dry Dock Vanilla Porter beer infused cupcakes, beer pimento cheese, and more while sipping on local Rocky Mountain sodas! Make sure to visit Mesa Solutions’ display just a few steps away in the outdoor veranda to view one of their generators in person, ask questions, and learn more about current projects underway! Please proceed downstairs to the veranda behind the Cocoa Bean Express coffee shop on level 2.

Room: Red Rock 6-7 HydrogeNext
Mrs. Wayshalee Patel
Sargent & Lundy
John Carroll
Project Engineer
Southern Company
Danielle Flagg
CCUS Project Development Manager
Sargent & Lundy
Jim Keane
Power Process Engineering Consultant
This session will cover the role of CO2 capture in decarbonization and as a pathway to net zero. Speakers will discuss the current state of development of CO2 capture technologies, pilot scale applications and technology readiness in the power sector, and siting considerations and integration.
Room: Colorado B Distributed Energy Conference
Darrell Proctor
Senior Associate Editor
POWER magazine
Brett Pingree
Country Manager, North America
Emergya Wind Technologies Americas Inc-EWT
Ben Jones
Vice President, Canopy Design Engineering
Distributed Solar Development (DSD)
David Eisenbud
Sr Director Origination
Distributed Solar Development (DSD)
Malcolm Taylor
Director of Sustainable Power Solutions
Mesa Solutions
Distributed generation offers unique ways to provide value to customers and communities, where financial benefits can be captured through innovation. Not everyone has direct access to the power grid, and there are ways that solar and energy storage can enhance savings and create new revenue sources for many these technologies. This session will provide information about the opportunities, and challenges of design and operation, and discuss what lies ahead given the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, as these systems and their technologies are set to transform the way communities are powered and how people power their everyday lives.
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Join us in the Distributed Energy Conference Pavilion as we bring the Great American Beer Fest to you! We’ll serve up Colorado Craft brews, bison chili, chicken chili verde, and 3-bean vegetarian chili with fixin’s and a variety of corn muffins to make your mouth water! This will be the final reception of the event, so be sure to join us and make those final connections, continue conversations started earlier, and enjoy the final hurrah before we head into the last day of the 2022 event.

Thursday, October 6

Sign up now to tour the 4MW combined heat & power microgrid at Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. The CHP serves greater than 90% of the Gaylord's electrical and thermal needs.

During the Continental Breakfast on Thursday morning you will be offered the opportunity to take a tour of the event facilities CHP/Microgrid.  Security and Waivers will need to be signed in advance. Sign up online and we will send you the documentation to be filled out for approval.

7 -7:45 Tour Sold out

8 - 8:45 Tour Open

9 - 9:45 Tour Open

Sign up today for a tour that will provide a close-up look at NREL’s groundbreaking research. It’s an opportunity to ask questions and gain insight from some of the top technicians and engineers in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The tour consists of two parts:

Part one is a tour of the NREL's Research Support Facility (RSF), where you will gain insight into how the best energy efficiency and environmental performance technologies and practices can be used in a large-scale commercial office building.

You’ll see:

•   How to Design Buildings to be Net Zero

•   Zero Energy Boundary

•   Energy Use

•   Water Conservation

•   Zero Energy Dashboard

•   Evolution of Solar (walk through)

Part two is a tour of the NREL's Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF), which accelerates the efficient transition to future energy systems that are secure, resilient, reliable, affordable, and clean. At this facility NREL’s team researches and designs:

•   Renewable Energy-to-Grid Integration

•   Energy Storage

•   Energy Security

•   Energy Resilience

•   Advanced Mobility

•   Grid-Interactive Buildings

•   Data Integration and Analysis

•   Hydrogen and Fuel Systems

•   VR Cave


**This tour option is limited to 40 individuals. The tour will last about four (4) hours in total, which includes travel time to and from the Gaylord Rockies resort to NREL’s campus, along with security checks. Tour attendance is subject to prior approval, so please note that once approved for the tour, you cannot transfer your spot to anyone else. Also note that if you plan to attend the tour, you should ensure that you are staying in town until at least 3 p.m. Mountain time.

  Security and Waivers will need to be signed in advance. Sign up online and we will send you the documentation to be filled out for approval.

Sponsored by:

Get a detailed look at the Colorado Manufacturing Awards’ Industrial Equipment Manufacturer of the Year facility! All tour attendees will receive a first-hand look at how Sundyne manufactures the PPI Line of Diaphragm Compressors, as well as the Sundyne Centrifugal Compressors, and the Centrifugal & Sealless Mag-Drive Pumps that are used in a variety of applications, including Hydrogen processing, Hydrogen refueling stations, CO2 Capture & Sequestration, water & wastewater treatment, and many other applications. Security and Waivers will need to be signed in advance. Sign up online and we will send you the documentation to be filled out for approval.


Sponsors & Supporting Organizations


EPCE Event Pricing

EPCE All-Access Pass

Access to EPCE meeting, Experience POWER, Distributed Energy Conference, HydrogeNext, networking events, and exhibit hall.

EPCE Conference Pass

Access to EPCE meeting, Experience POWER, networking events, and exhibit hall.

EPCE Meeting Only

Access to EPCE meeting, networking events, and exhibit hall.